Posts tagged Fire
Ra: God of the Sun

The ancient Egyptians revered Ra as the god who created everything. Also known as the Sun God, Ra was a powerful deity and a central god of the Egyptian pantheon. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Ra more than any other god and pharaohs often connected themselves with Ra in their efforts to be seen as the earthly embodiment of the Sun God. Ra (pronounced ray) represents sunlight, warmth and growth. It was only natural that the ancient Egyptians would believe him to be the creator of the world, as well as part of him being represented in every other god. The ancient Egyptians believed that every god should illustrate some aspect of him, while Ra himself should also represent every god.

This 27 Bead Pocket mala is part of our Fire Collection. This pocket mala is a quarter the size of a traditional 108 Bead Tibetan mala, it contains 27 beads plus 2 marker beads (not to be counted in meditation), and a guru bead and silk tassel. This particular mala is comprised of Carnelian, with Black Onyx marker beads and Lava Stone guru bead. 

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Pocket MalasAnia ParksFire, Ra
Pele: The Fire Goddess

Pele is one of the most well known and revered in Hawaiian mythology. She is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, wind and volcanoes. She is both a creator and destroyer. Pele throws molten fountains into the air and governs the great flows of lava. With her power over the volcanoes, she created the Hawaiian Islands, and to this day, she has been known to reveal herself throughout the beautiful islands she crafted herself.

This 27 Bead Pocket mala is part of our Fire Collection. This pocket mala is a quarter the size of a traditional 108 Bead Tibetan mala, it contains 27 beads plus 2 marker beads (not to be counted in meditation), and a guru bead and silk tassel. This particular mala is comprised of Lava Stones, with Fire Agate marker beads, and a handcrafted guru bead from Tibet of Tibetan silver and Carnelian. 

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Pocket MalasAnia ParksFire, Pele